For You Parents Out There

Just a random post tonight but there was something I listened to in a Podcast that it made me think wouldn’t the world and peoples opinions of themselves be so much better if parents could do this as often as they can?

What if you mentally remember to just let your face light up each time your child walks into a room your are in? What if you let your face show them how blessed you are to have them? What if you let you eyes glow with the love you have for them? What if you did all of this and didn’t look at them with a look of “shit what is that they are wearing, I wish he would tidy his hair etc, etc”? I know it’s not possible all the time, I get that and there are times when it wouldn’t be appropriate but if you are blessed to have them why not show it? The world can be a cruel place but if they know that there is no doubt you love, adore, appreciate and care for them that will go a long way. Not only will it help them to connect more to you but also it will increase their own self worth. I don’t know I could be 100% off track but if love and support starts at home surely it has to grow from there as we are what we learn. Hey I’m not even a parent so you can tell me oh shut the hell up, I don’t mind. But I do mind when I see parents treating their kids like shit or watch the desperate attempts of children to get attention from their parents who’s faces are buried in their phones. When I can’t have children and yet others can I think please don’t ever forget to remember how blessed you are to have them.

Living life sober, raw & real is my choice and it gives me random wandering thoughts like the above rather than the numbed out life I was living and for me at least that is awesome.

9 thoughts on “For You Parents Out There

  1. Oh good lord! If my mother had done that when I was a child I’d probably be a completely different person beaming with confidence and positivity! All I can remember when I think back to my childhood was constant nagging and belittling. It’s easy to remember because she is the “mother” of my niece and nephew as well and she does the same thing to them. It’s infuriating to watch because it’s virtually guaranteeing that they’ll grow up addicts, too.
    It’s a great idea, even for those of us who aren’t parents! I’m going to try today at work to smile at everyone I see and offer a compliment to the closer acquaintances. We’ll see what happens.

    1. I love that you help in the growth and development of our future generations. I think it is so important that it happens in the homes, at school and even society. If our children are given love and encouragement instead of ignored and scrutinized that would be a step in the right direction for improving our world. XOX

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